When will the Resurrection a.k.a Rapture take place?

We are living in unprecedented times. I truly believe we are the generation that will see the events that are described in the book of Revelation. I know some have been taught that the “Church will be raptured before that Tribulation begins”, and when I was growing up this is what I was taught too. I honestly don’t believe that the scriptures point to this as being a Truth though. When our church started studying the Jewish roots of Christianity and learning about the Jewish Feasts, Adonai showed us how this teaching was incorrect and lead us into believing in the Post-Tribulation rapture. I must say I do not believe we are going to be here for God’s wrath though. Now those that believe in Pre-Trib please don’t stop reading, please hear me out! It concerns me that so many are taught this theology because I am afraid that believers are being mislead into not looking for signs of the end times. I am afraid that they have been lulled to sleep and are going to freak out when they find themselves in the middle of the chaos of the Tribulation and having to make a decision on taking the Mark of the Beast. I have heard many Pre-Tribers say that they are surprised they haven’t been raptured yet. I am concerned that Pre-Tribers will be a part of the great Apostasy, yelling at their former pastors for lying to them, and turning their backs on their faith. In Fact the Pre-Tribulation Rapture teaching is a new one, it has only been taught around the last 200 years, the Apostles that wrote the New Testament and the early believers, believed in a Post Tribulation Rapture.

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